
Spilt Water and Other Events.

It really is pathetic to me that I sometimes flip my lid over spilt water, but I did and I am not proud of it. I mean seriously, there were several occasions today where I could have freaked out but didn't.

Take for instance this morning when boys number 2 and 3 and I were sitting on the patio drawing ugly chalk monsters, when the dog very dramatically barfed up all of his breakfast just a few feet away from us. It was gross, and very theatrical for a canine. But, I did not freak. I quickly got two grocery sacks and began cleaning it up. Hell, I hardly even made a peep when I realized that the bag I was using to scoop the mess up with had a hole in it and barf was all over my fingers. But, I did not freak.  I calmly washed my hands, and then hosed down the rest of the remnants of the vomit.

 I even kept my cool when I hastily grabbed for my shoes, in a rush to leave for preschool, and found a lovely little liquidy pile of dog barf awaiting my foot there. I threw those shoes fast into a bucket of suds, grabbed another pair instead, and we were off and nearly on time for school too. Cool pretty much kept.

I did not freak when a water bottle spilled all over my crotch while driving. It looked like I peed my pants. I went into the busy store any way, "pee pee" pants and all, but without flipping out about it.

Although I felt defeated, I did not flip out when Dinner turned out to be a total bust tonight. Creamy no-cream spinach soup was so-so gross, and we are spinach lovers over here! That soup was basically just a nasty bowl full of hot green slime I tell you. Hot. Green. Slime. We jumped that soup ship and I poured the crap down the drain. We had pita egg sandwiches instead.

However, I did lose of my cool over spilt water. Within a 30 minute time frame this evening, one super-not-clumsy-child-number-two of mine (did you catch that sarcasm?) was able to pour nearly  3 cups of water onto the floor. Each time by accident. Not sure how he does it, but he does, and he did. I really did not freak on the first two spills.  But by the third spill I was just like "Aww, what? Come on kiddo!" I chucked a towel in his general direction and told, okay snapped at, him to clean that agua up.

So yeah, I pretty much suck because I yelled at my second born for spilling water. Dude, I have a looong way to go in the parenting department. Sorry second born. Hope you can forgive me.

1 comment:

queenann said...

OH Helen. You freaked out about the water BECAUSE you had used up all your calmness by NOT freaking out about all that other horribly gross nonsense that happened.

I have done this and worse. But I have not ever ever cleaned up doggie barf. So look what you've got on me!

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