
Personal Weekend Snippets.

Drew chalk monsters all over the driveway for hours on Saturday and Sunday.
Worked late into the night on Friday.
Was able to enjoy a Sunday afternoon nap.
Did not get around to clipping his toenails, but really should.
Shaved his face.  Unhappily, as usual.
Tried his best to meet all that we requested, and demanded, of him. Happily, as usual.

Drank/choked down too much water at the swimming pool.
Smiled lots of toothy grinned smiles.
Squawked like a baby magpie for more food. (Have you ever heard a baby magpie squawk? NOT, a pleasant sound.)
Crawled around in circles. Then crawled around in more circles. Then crawled around in more circles on the trampoline with his brothers and dad.
Let his little white jiggly belly hang out over his diaper line as he slid (with help) down the slide. That sort of bodily display is really only cute on babies.

Asked if we could have more "root beer floods?" (floods=floats).
Carried on the Robison tradition of toe jam picking. Several times, when asked what he was doing, he would yell back, "I am just picking my toe jam."
During the practice for our Church's Primary program he sang loudly, recited his memorized line, kept his hands to himself, and was patient during the long practice.
Successfully shot some baskets atop my, and Bryan's, shoulders.
Helped Uly quiet down on a car ride while he sang him an original Angus tune, which included lyrics about striped babies and velvet poops.
Was so excited to tell everyone about his happy first day at Preschool, and the new friend he made. (Although we had to remind him of that friends name almost every time. :))

Helped me make double decker Jell-O, and color in a "thorn chalk monster" on the driveway.
Also was so patient, polite and reverent during the long primary program practice. I even saw his lips moving to some of the songs, which is fantastic for a boy who really really does not like crowds, let alone singing in front of them.
Whistled, and then whistled some more. He is a master whistler. He whistles, loud, and strong, and clear. Sometimes his whistled are so powerful, they make your brain seem like it is going to pop. He is that good. :)
Cleaned up for his brother so they could  have more time to play.
Complained about growing pains in his legs.
Tried to use his super strength to lift up both Bryan and me. He is getting closer to success.
Offered to give me a back rub.

Made peach jam (that does not seem to be setting properly, boo) while listening to, her first love, 50's oldies music. Which reminded her of her childhood, since that is what she listened to most of the time, which made her feel really, really, happy.
Dealt with a lot of poop.
At the swimming pool, she pined enviously over a pair of mermaid flippers belonging to a 10 year old girl. Seriously! Mermaid flippers! I need them.
Caught a bee by accident in her sports bra while biking on the Greenbelt.
Recited her current mantra in her head several times, "I am kind, I am confident, I am calm." Hoping all the while one day she would believe it, and be it, again.
Tried to not be too critical of her own body.

Shed a lot of hair.
Was patient and loving to us as always, even though we don't always deserve it. One of the many wonderful traits dogs have.
Followed me around constantly.
Ate our crumbs, and helped catch flies.
Jumped in his favorite stream twice.

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