

Today was exhausting. It was one of those stay-at-home-mom days that leave you feeling like a monkey in a circus. Your children, of course, are the ringmasters cracking their whips and ordering you to "dance monkey, dance!" *insert exasperated breath here.*

Angus seems to be going through an EXCEPTIONALLY challenging time lately. He melts down over anything and everything. I just can not keep up with how many crying fits/tantrums/complaints he has. It is really trying my already naturally low patience level. Gosh I love him, I do. But holy freaking heck he has been difficult lately. I feel like I am missing something, not being the right kind of Mom to him or something. Jeesh.

So at 9:30 all of my ringmasters were finally sound asleep. Bryan was still at work, and still is at work. You would think I would collapse onto the couch and zone out. But no. I needed something to calm me down, take the edge off, make me feel like I can do something right. So I cleaned and I baked.

I did the dishes, cleaned out the fridge, and baked a cake. And slowly I could feel my stress levels drop. My shoulders would still scrunch tightly up to my neck every so often. Whenever I noticed the tension from the day in my shoulders, I would relax them back down. Trying to clean the fridge and bake the cake calmly, using those activities as a detox. I think it helped.

At least I know that if I wake up to tyrant Angus again in the morning, I have a pumpkin chocolate chip cake and a cold glass of milk waiting to take my woes away. Because it is totally healthy to use food to escape our worries. Uh...rriigghht...

...dance monkey dance!...faster monkey...not that way monkey, do it like this monkey...AHHHH. I know what I will be night-maring about tonight, and you can bet that my on-my-knees-begging-prayer tonight will be that tomorrow I will be part of a nice happy circus instead.

1 comment:

Jana said...

I'm sorry Angus is having a rough time right now. Growth spurt maybe? Summer sleep schedule transition? General middle child grumpiness? Good luck. I'm glad you have a plan of attack using baked goods and prayer - With God and pumpkin chocolate chip cake, all things are possible!!

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