
Smiling in their sleep.

6:00 AM.
I am awake and I am asleep.
I rock and nurse my growing baby in the squeaky orange chair.
I have nursed and rocked all my babies here.
I open my eyes from my half sleep just in time to watch him.
His eyes lightly flutter, his breath quickens and then slows, quickens and slows again,
he smiles a few smiles as he falls into deep sleep.
Just like he did when he was my newborn baby boy.

6:40 AM
Creep out quietly from babies room, shut door softly
Tip toe on the creaky hard wood floor to my bed.
Someone is in my spot.
My biggest baby boy asleep, head heavy on my pillow.
I see how long he is lying there,
this biggest baby boy of mine.
Tippy top of hair to tippy toe of feet nearly fill the length of my bed.
So quickly. How?
I choose not to disturb, instead I watch.

His eyes lightly flutter, his breath quickens and then slows, quickens and slows again,
he smiles a few smiles as he falls into deep sleep.
Just like he did when he was my newborn baby boy.

1 comment:

Optimistic Existentialist said...

This was a beautiful post. Very heartwarming :)

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