
Us, now.

Giant smiles and drool, teething
belly off the floor, roley poley sitter
dimpled knuckles on his hands, vanilla tootsie roll legs
mellow, calm, but also LOUD!
face pincher, fluffy hair
army crawl, pulling himself up onto his knees
good at giving courtesy laughs
good nurser, beginning to notice and envy solid food
contagious giggles, tries to talk but sound like screams instead

silly phrases jump constantly from his mouth
quick to cry, quick to forgive, quick to laugh, quick to yell, quick to love,
loves to ask "so what do you want to do with me?"
a creative and willing artist
runs with a swagger
loves to listen to music, and sing his own random tunes
a lover of sweets, eats his greens because he has too.
a brave binky giver-upper.
dry skin, soft hair, loves to have his back scratched
tall, strong, happy, sensitive, playful, flexible, creative
joyfully fun

Observant and helpful
independent, bossy, quietly kind, conscientious, surprisingly silly
wiggly snaggle top tooth, two big bottom teeth growing up
catching on to, and using sarcasm, uh oh...
his head is usually full of ideas
constant whistler
gives a mean glare
does not like to listen to music, draws creepy cool monsters
never leaves the house without giving out a hug and kiss to us first
good example, calm
particular about what he will and won't wear
reliable and easy to be around

biking nearly everywhere
working hard
trying to find time to paint
draws monsters constantly
favorite person to the boys
plays racquetball on Wednesday's
fantastic creator of games on the fly
deep sleeper
mellow, calm (except when driving or riding in a car), loyal, loving, and fun, persistent
clean shaven for now, longs for his beard and dreads, handsome in any form.
a favorite in this house

constant, hairy, kind brown eyes
running is getting harder
always wanting affection, sometimes receiving
graying around the mouth and middle
loves our company
deadly farts, a fantastic floor "tongue mopper"
so, so extremely dependable and kind
smells like a dog, barks when necessary
a comfort, and a pleasure to have around

trying to be the Mom her kids need, the wife her husband needs, and the Helen she needs
making cookie dough, and eating it, is proving to be a deeply rooted hobby
running, lifting, digging in dirt, seems to only shower when hair is too greasy or pits are to stinky
probably should shower more
always full of creative things she wants to do, lacking the time/energy to complete them all
wants to relearn to play the piano, but still hates to/won't practice
too serious sometimes,
reminding herself often not to resist the joy so much all the time
loves to be home and move through the day with an open plan
needs a bit of alone time each day
loves spending time with her children and husband
still the same girl

1 comment:

Jana said...

Love this format. (and the content itself, of course).

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