
Ulysses is 6 Months Old.

 This handsome fella of ours is 6 months old TODAY! 
He is so delightful, seriously just a pleasure to be around.
He is so patient, and is rarely fussy.
He smiles pretty much all the time, and is so mellow, calm and HAPPY. 
I can't get over what a really NICE boy he is. 
He rolls over both ways, is so strong, and is learning to sit up.
He loves to babble when it is quiet. 
His two bottom teeth are cutting through,
and his favorite chew toy is a rubber chicken.

He loves being with his brothers, 
and they can not get enough of him!

My favorite things about him right now;
The sweet softness of his skin. I love rubbing my cheek next to his. In the night when I nurse him, he rubs his soft fingers over my hand. His fingers are so soft and sweet.
When he gets close enough to your face he takes both hands and grabs anything he can on your face, then he pulls/pinches you in and sucks on your face as much as he can. 
His baby man boobs. Best man boobs ever.
The smell of his breath, and his adorable little giggle.

What a happy addition he is to our family. We love him!

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