
Diaper Snow and Late Night Laughs.

Before bedtime tonight Oscar and Angus put on their soccer socks and were slip sliding around on the hard wood floors. After a few minutes, they found a couple of dirty diapers (pee filled only) all wadded up near the back door, waiting to be taken to the garbage. They grabbed those diapers fast, and then started a heated and hilarious game of sliding diaper soccer.  Ulysses and I just play wrestled on the living room rug, while the older boys giggled and kicked the diapers around. Everyone was having a really fun time.

 As I laid there enjoying the moment with my children, I said to myself, "Helen, look! Look at this, you are still a fun and laid back Mom. Despite how far from that you have been feeling lately." I was all starry eyed and proud of my fun mothering capabilities, I sat their smiling dumbly about it for a few minutes too. Then Oscar kicked the diaper. 

He kicked the diaper so hard, that it exploded all over us and the living room floor. The floor was covered in thousands of tiny wet gelatin beads from the innards of the soggy diaper. Disgusting? yes. Funny? No. Quickly "fun" Mom left the scene, and in her place arrived "loud and responsible" Mom. The boys entertained Ulysses in the other room, while I tried to figure out how best to clean up such a weird mess. After a combination of sweeping, vacuuming and mopping, I got the mess taken care of.

 Diaper soccer will no longer be an option in our house, obviously. On the bright side, at least I was "un-fun" enough to not let them play with a poop filled diaper, and now I can cross off mopping the floors from my to do list for tomorrow. 


As I was typing this post, I heard giggling coming from the basement. The boys had been asleep for about an hour, so the noise was a bit alarming. I went downstairs to find Angus kneeling on the couch laughing hysterically. His eyes were open, but he was completely asleep and unresponsive to me. I picked him up and carried him back to bed, he laughed the whole way. I sat and watched him for about 5 minutes, he laughed the whole time, but never woke up. I kept asking him what was so funny, hoping to get glimpse into his wacky dream, but he never said a word, he just kept on laughing.

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