
What We Do A Week OverDue

I was due last Wednesday-ish. No surprise really to us that I sit here at over 41 weeks pregnant. Here are a few things we have enjoyed doing together over the last week.

-Swimming! The whole month of September felt like mild summertime, and it has been really great. The pool has remained open and we have taken advantage of that. Never mind that I had to throw my threadbare suit away two weeks ago. Luckily my Mom, my brother Sam "Uncle Sam", and Bryan have joined us on few occasions to swim with the boys since I am a bit less able to without a functional swimsuit. I know in the cold gray months of January I will think back on these lovely warm days and be so glad we splashed together in the pool as much as we could.

-Catching tadpoles! There is a small pond right by the pool where we swim. I thought froggy season had past us, but I was wrong. Oscar and Angus were looking in the pond on spotted hundreds of tadpoles swimming wildly around. We caught quite a few on Thursday, and even made the mistake of bringing a couple home...yeah sadly, but not surprisingly, we had to bury them the next morning. But, we headed back with Bryan on Saturday armed with a large bucket. The boys and a couple of their cousins spent a couple of hours filling the bucket with pond water and dozens of tadpoles. They would fill it up to capacity, pour them all back into the pond, and then do it all over again. It was so lovely to sit at the waters edge with them running around in their swim trunks catching soon to be frogs and  even some frogs. Perfect summer boyhood right there. The weather was perfect, the sun was warm and dragonflies flew all around the pond too. It was such a fun and simple afternoon to spend together.

-Mowing lawns! Ours and Bryan's Mom's. Yup. The grass grows and you gotta cut it, no matter how huge your belly is.

-Throwing up! Well, one of us, one night, and it was not very fun for poor Oscar. The slightly comical thing about it was that it happened to be on a night when our plumbing was backing up. So every time we would try to flush the vomit down the toilet, it would come back up in the tub. It was gross. But actually sort of funny gross, because there was nothing we could do but wait till morning to call a plumber. Which I did do, and the culprit was a cleaning/baby wipe of some sort that had gotten stuck and caused a clog in the sewer line. That was one expensive wipe, yikes!

-Playing Soccer! Every evening the boys wanna go out after dinner and run and kick. It has been really fun for all of us...except for when a stray ball bounces of my belly. Eh, it is time for him to come out anyway. The boys love to play tag with the soccer balls, kick the cones, and scrimmage. Oscar had a game last Saturday. And while we still lost, we saw much improvement in the effort and skills of the boys on our team. Which is something to be happy about for sure.

-Decorating for Halloween! Today we turned up some spooky Halloween tunes, pulled out our small amount of Halloween decor and had a great time.

Really, we are doing well. How can I complain about carrying a baby full term...that is just really silly to me. Even though we do wonder after each passing day, "when is this baby coming," we really are enjoying the extra time spent together with our regular routine. We know when baby comes things will probably be topsy- turvy for a while. We will look back on these peaceful methodical days and evenings and be grateful for them, and try to recreate them with the newest member of our family.


queenann said...

Ready.....GO into labor!

Thinking of you and hoping I'm actually too late to wish you a smooth and peaceful birth.

Erik & Marcie +3 said...

Helen you are awesome! I love hearing about someone actually enjoying and relishing in thier pregnancy. Pregnancy is hard, yes, and sometimes not fun and very uncomfortable, but what a blessing! You have a great state of mind! I love your optimism. You are an inspiration to me! love u!

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