
Hiking and Walking.

Before the end of the Holiday break we spent a good amount of time together outdoors. Me, my boys, my Mom, Julia, Isabelle, Luke, and Abby hiked around Camels Back. We all had a great time running around the trails in the sunshine.

The good times continued on the playground, until Angus fell weird, kinked his neck and passed out. It was freaky, rolling eyes, contorted face and hand, no response. It freaked us out enough that we called the paramedics. Luckily within a short time he was completely fine. It seems like every year of his life he has had some odd neck kink or head smack. He is a pretty tough kid, and keeps on going shortly after being hurt. But there have been a few scares. When he was one he fell and hit the back of his head on the hard wood floor, near blackout and eye rolling. When he was two he jumped funky on the trampoline on Christmas day and had nearly the same response as he did at Camels back park. We are just happy they are not serious and that he is okay. Crazy kid!

Around New Years we took a brisk walk through the new nature park near Bown Crossing. It was beautiful, and really cold. And there was lots of goose turds along the path. Bryan was there too, I thought I should mention that since there is no proof in the pics.

We also hiked Castle Rock earlier in the week and also checked out the Penitentiary. It is good to be together.

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