We sure enjoyed your last email. We have been making a point to always read your emails together as a family on Monday evenings as part of our family home evening. It has been such a blessing to read your experiences, insight and thoughts. It is such a boosts to our spirits, and of course the boys always enjoy your funny stories. Especially when you taught Elder Masui poopy phrases a few weeks back. We love you Sam! We love reading your letters! We love how much you write to us! It makes it feel like we are almost on this journey with you, which is such a special thing for us. So THANK YOU!
I am not sure if I, or Bryan, mentioned how he crashed on his bike about a month ago? Well, he did and he got beat up and his left wrist has been hurting him ever since then. FINALLY, after a bunch of back and forth talk, he decided to go get some xrays to see if it was broken. And It is. So for now he has a splint cast, and then next week he goes into a hand specialist to get a full cast. For the most part he if managing one handed okay, but i can tell he is super bummed that he can no longer help with the dishes or shower everyday...ahem...yeah right.
Last week Oscar was running outside with his class during the second hour of church (they usually let them go out before sharing time to blow off steam)and got nudged by a classmate a little too hard, which sent him face first into the concrete sidewalk. He cried loud and he cried hard, and Oscar is not a hard or a loud crier. I was right there and saw it happen. He blacked out for a couple seconds, got scraped up, and got a giant goose egg. It protruded from him forehead about the size of half a chicken egg...if that makes sense. Anyway, I took him home immediately and he iced his head the rest of the afternoon, and next day. Actually he used the same ice carrier-ma-jigger that you used for your wisdom teeth. He seems to be better now, just a few large scabs and surprisingly minor bruising.
We went to the river yesterday morning as a family and explored the uncovered river bed. It was gray and drizzly, and it smelled like mossy earth, but we all had a really pleasant time throwing rocks into the dark green river. We found lots of goose poop, and miniature waterfalls. At the bottom of a tame and murky part of the river we saw the bones of half a fish, and a dead frog with his white belly exposed upwards to the sky. As we left we tromped through an area covered in poison ivy, but we did not realize it until we climbed back to the greenbelt and walked past the "Caution; Poison Ivy" sign. Thankfully none of us are itchy, although I am still finding sand in Ulysses clothes and crib from the bank of the river.
Have a great week Sam. You are a constant in our thoughts, a constant in our prayers, and a constant source of inspiration and encouragement.
Thank you.